Thursday 19 July 2012

And so


... we finally jumped on the Hong Kong real estate bandwagon and bought the tiniest little apartment in Kennedy Town. 

It was in rather poor condition as a family of 3 (+ maid) had somehow managed to squeeze themselves in there for the past 7 years.  That's 4 people in about 400 square feet.  

In fact, they were so tightly squeezed that when I went to first visit, I couldn't actually see anything, as the beds, cupboards and people were everywhere my eye fell.  The kitchen was the hardest to get a good look at, as I was only allowed to visit at 7pm, which meant the maid was always cooking up a storm surrounded by Snoopy-stickered walls and curtains - you know those curtains that people use instead of a door?  Sometimes beads are used.  Here we chose Snoopy curtains.  

Anyway, Snoopy has now been removed, and we are in the process of heavy renovations/gutting.  When I say "we", I really mean that t has rather lavishly employed someone to renovate as we're just sitting ducks to Hong Kong contractors.  Can you imagine me negotiating the price of wooden flooring?  I don't think so.

The problem, of course, with outsourcing the job, is that you're expected to "let go" and "relax" as you're in "good hands" and "that's what you're paying for" after all.  The problem is I can't.  I secretly visit my little gem every day at lunch and check to see how things are coming along, and then I micro-manage like mad.  

In my head.  


  1. Felicidades por la compra! Y buena suerte con los renovadores hongkoneses :s !!!

  2. Congrats! Can't wait to see the updates.
